Sustainable Ways to Establish a Green Economy
We sell Solar Water Heaters at the best price on Vancouver Island!
For $2,900 We will install a 300 litres solar water heater in a home on Vancouver Island. The cost for an installed system in other parts of Canada will depend on shipping from Vancouver and local installation costs. Industrial and commercial applications need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.
In any residential or commercial setting, solar thermal energy provides the lowest initial investment cost. For example, BC Hydro Site-C Dam will cost $8.8 billion for 1,100 MW=$8/watt, photovoltaic panels: $5/watt; the proposed solar water heater $2,900/2.32 kW=$1.25/watt
Consider also the environmental benefits of a solar water heater. The gross annual GHG emissions reduction from each collector is 1.6 tCO2/year, making it an ideal candidate to offset the GHG emissions generated by other human activities.
This solar water heater works best on sunny days, but also delivers some heat on a cloudy day; outside temperature is irrelevant to the energy production due to the evacuated tube principle that eliminates heat loss. It requires minimum or no maintenance; there are no pumps or other moving parts, and no transfer fluids or electrical components. The TZ58/1800-30C is designed to last a minimum of 15 years and comes with a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty, much longer than conventional water heating appliances. The TZ58/1800-30C has been certified by SRCC and a smaller version of this collector has been tested and approved by the CSA, both under the Jiangsu Sunrain Solar Energy label.
Our system will provide 300 liters of hot water every sunny day, sufficient to satisfy the needs of a household of 5 people or more (according to RetScreen calculations). The collector should be installed at an angle equal to the home’s latitude north of the equator, minus 15 degrees, to maximize its efficiency, according to Natural Resources Canada information.
The system will not freeze at temperatures above -10 degrees C, but comes with a freeze protection valve that will circulate water through the collector when temperatures drop near freezing, allowing the owner to partially drain the system if ambient temperatures are expected to be below the -10-degree C mark.
Due to the efficiency of the collector, the water temperature of the water could be higher than required, even above 100 degrees C, due to the increase of boiling point since the tank is at 60 psi or more. The system comes equipped with a tempering valve that will mix cold water with the hot water coming out of the solar water heater in case the water in the system reaches temperatures above the 60-degree C mark. This measure will eliminate the possibility of scalding and will increase the amount of hot water available to the household. It does not require a heat transfer fluid (e.g. Glycol); water from regular supply is passed through the collector.
In order to take advantage of a solar water heater, the building must have an unshaded patch of ground close to the house or alternatively an unshaded section of roof or wall, facing South. Solar systems can be designed into new construction or retrofitted into existing homes. The vast majority of the homes and businesses in Canada are excellent candidates for a solar water heater system.
Success Story in Cumberland, British Columbia
A solar water heater was installed in a house at 3404 Primrose St. with four residents on May 12, 2016. From May 15 to June 16, 2016, the Natural Gas consumption was 0.7 GJ, compared to 2.8 GJ, for to the same period in 2015, a 75% reduction.
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Success Story in Courtenay, British Columbia
A solar water heater was the biggest contributor to the 37% reduction in energy usage at a home in Courtenay, BC. The house had four or five residents at any given time, and the solar water heater performed well consistently.
BC Hydro did the monitoring and the results are evident.